Group VII

Training for Biographical Counselling

When we deepen in our biography and the cosmic laws that rule them, we become more and more aware. We expand and deepen the understanding of ourselves.

The transformations initiated by this understanding contribute to the personal evolution, thus improving our social, professional and family performance. At a wider level, they contribute to human kind´s evolution.

The theoretical contents is conveyed through talks, discussions, plenaries and experiences. The program is intertwined with art activities, phenomenological observation, the study of fairy tales, myths or biographies, meditation activities and the execution of projects related with the practice of biographical counselling.

A trip to places called centers of old mysteries is also part of the program. This activity has a specific purpose and the monitoring of teachers. It is taken after the 12th module.

The group work, always monitored by a coordinator, is one of the main components of the course.

14 Modules

The modules last 7 days.
They start on a Saturday at 10 AM and end on the Friday of the following week at 1 PM.

07 to 13 DEC 2024

Module 1
Biographical Panorama – the path of the Me

MAR 22 to 28, 2025

Module 2
Objectification of the biography and the image of the human being

07 to 13 JUN 2025

Module 3
Carma and the meaning of the biography

06 to 12 SEP 2025

Module 4
Challenges in the biography – meeting with your own shadow

NOV 15 to 21, 2025

Module 5
Meetings – integration of the masculine with the feminine

04 to 10 APRI 2026

Module 6
Zodiac – cosmic vision of the human being

AUG 29 to SEP 4, 2026

Module 7
Twelve senses and the process of incarnation

NOV 14 to 20, 2026

Module 8
Integration of practices and concepts – the help talk

MAR 06 to 12, 2027

Module 9
The human being at the threshold and the meeting with the Christ

MAY 1 to 7, 2027

Module 10
Crisis and conflicts in the biography

Aug 7 to 13, 2027

Module 11
Life purpose and karmic accomplishment

NOV 06 to 12, 2027

Module 12
Retrospective and consolidation of the practice


12th to 18th FEB 2028

Module 13
Deepening and evaluation – individual biographical counselling

MAY 27 to JUN 2, 2028

Module 14
Deepening and evaluation – biographical group work


Amparo Del Moral
Biographical Councelor, Doctor and Social Work Coordinator .
Maria de Fátima Helou
Business Manager,Social Pedagogue, Coach, Biographical Counselor and Facilitator of Development Processes.
Marcus Baptista
Business Manager, Business Consultant, Executive Coach and Biographical Counselor.
Matias Klinke
Electrical Engineer, Business Consultant, Executive Coach and Biographical Counselor.
Simone Ceregatti
Psychologist and Biographical Councelor trained in Quirophonetics.
Solange Castilho
Psychologist,Pedagogue and Biographical Councelor.
Solway Topler
Biographical Councelor trained in Dramatherapy.


Jair Moggi
Economist, Lawyer with a Master in Management, Business Consultant and Biographical Counselor.


Dr. Gudrun K Burkhard
Counselor, Social Pedagogue and creator of the Biographical Methodology.


The general coordination of the program is performed by a Collegiate of Educators


1. Registration: R$ 1.650,00

2. Value per module: R$ 4.700,00*
to be paid 15 days before the beginning of each module

*Accomodation and meals not included.
The cost of the modules will be readjusted annually based on the IGPM of the previous year.

During the program you can stay at the Associação Sagres. Learn about the accomodation options and cost by sending an email to: or by phoning: +55 48 3237-3766


a. Annual value in advance with 10% discount (4 modules) payment: R$ 16.920,00
to be paid up to 15 days before the beginning of the first of the four modules

b. Value per module, cash
to be paid up to 15 days before the beginning of each module

c. Annual value (4 modules) 12 instalments of R$ 1.650,00
to be paid up to the 15th of each month starting the month before the first of the four modules

!In case you miss one of the modules already paid,you can replace it when the next group starts without the need of interrupting the course.


All the program is permeated with Rudolf Steiner´s Anthroposophy and the methodology developed by Gudrun Burkhard and Daniel Burkhard.

in order to register, you will need

1.Registration form – click here

2.Summarized personal and professional resume

3.Letter of intentions explaining the reasons for the interest in the program




Rules for Cancelling

  • The deadline for wavering is of at least 30 days before the beginning of each module,in which case there will be a refund in proportion with the payment that was made,except for the value of the subscription fee.



Associação Sagres

Anthroposophic Educational Center for Adults
Rua da Macela, 80
Rio Tavares – Florianópolis, SC – 88048-399